3 Times When A Dental Crown Works Better Than A Veneer

Posted on: 14 August 2015

Dental crowns and veneers are two cosmetic dentistry options that offer similar results with differing methods. Both require the dentist to create a custom-crafted hollow shell that bonds onto the tooth in some position. The positioning of that shell and the amount of tooth covered varies with a dental crown offering fuller coverage. So there are times when a dental crown will likely prove a better treatment option than a veneer.
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Dental Treatment Options For Pericoronitis

Posted on: 31 July 2015

Periodontal disease usually stems from bacterial plaque that's left to fester due to improper oral healthcare. Pericoronitis is an infection that targets the gum area around an erupting wisdom tooth. The tooth's eruption can cause inflammation and a pocket where bacteria can take hold. Symptoms of pericoronitis include redness, swelling, pain, and pus discharge. What are some of the potential treatment options for pericoronitis? Here are a few of the possibilities to discuss with your dentist or periodontist.
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3 Potential Dental Treatments For Tongue Problems

Posted on: 10 July 2015

Dentists perform more services than teeth cleanings, fillings, and dental crowns. Your dentist is dedicated to helping improve your overall oral health, and that can include treating problems with the gums, lips, and tongue. If you have tongue discoloration, soreness, or swelling, visit your dentist as soon as possible for treatment. Here are three of the most common tongue problems and their potential treatments. Glossitis Glossitis presents with tongue soreness, minor swelling, and discoloration that can make the tongue look yellow or bright red.
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Clean Your Dentures The Right Way

Posted on: 19 June 2015

If you have dentures, you know that you should be keeping them clean, but you may sometimes wonder if all that soaking is necessary, since they are not your natural teeth. After all, it's not as if they will decay and fall out, so a quick brushing may be all you feel is needed to clean your dentures. Your dentures need more cleaning care than you may realize. Read on for important cleaning guidelines for your dentures.
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