Pure Titanium Vs. Titanium Alloy: Which Dental Implant Material Is Best For You?

Posted on: 22 February 2016

A dental implant is a great way to permanently replace a missing tooth due to the strong metal root that is implanted into your jaw bone. You may not be aware that there are actually different options for the implant material that will be used. Titanium alloy and pure titanium are two popular options, and by knowing the differences between them you can select the one that will work best for your dental implant.
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Three Great Teeth Replacement Options

Posted on: 3 February 2016

If you are missing several of your teeth, then you want to have them replaced as soon as it's possible for you to do so. Going without your teeth can affect the look of your smile, which can cause you to feel self-conscious about your smile. It may also affect the way you eat and speak. Also, if you are missing teeth in certain areas, then it can affect the health of your gums and even cause your face to take on a distorted look in the area around your mouth.
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How Can You Tell If You Need A Root Canal?

Posted on: 13 January 2016

If you need a root canal, your dentist will see the signs more clearly than you will. However, there may be some warning signs that you'll be able to identify on your own. Knowing the signs of needing a root canal and what to do about it can help you take care of your teeth. How can you tell if you need a root canal? If you need a root canal, you'll probably notice some of the following symptoms:
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3 Homemade Dental Rinses To Help Prevent Periodontal Disease

Posted on: 23 December 2015

Periodontal disease is the result of gingivitis that is not treated immediately. Periodontal disease will often destroy the gum and tissue around your teeth. This will result in loose teeth that may have to be removed by your dentist. If gingivitis is caught early on, it can be treated and you can avoid developing periodontal disease. The best way to prevent periodontal disease is by adding dental rinses to your dental care routine.
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