• Clean Your Dentures The Right Way

    If you have dentures, you know that you should be keeping them clean, but you may sometimes wonder if all that soaking is necessary, since they are not your natural teeth. After all, it's not as if they will decay and fall out, so a quick brushing may be all you feel is needed to clean your dentures. Your dentures need more cleaning care than you may realize. Read on for important cleaning guidelines for your dentures.
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  • Major Dental Work And Recovery - Make Sure Your Teenager Is Prepared

    If your teenager will be having a dental procedure that could potentially keep them out of commission for a few days, help make this missed time as seamless as possible in all areas of their life. Here are three things that you can do as a parent to help your teen not fall behind in their academics and after school activities if they will be recovering from a dental procedure.
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  • Is A Knocked-Out Tooth A Dental Emergency? Definitely!

    Many people don't realize that having a tooth knocked out is a time-sensitive dental emergency. If you're playing sports, for example, or you have a nasty fall at home, and a collision knocks out one of your teeth, it's certainly possible to take some acetaminophen, make a dental appointment, and then replace the missing tooth with an implant or a bridge. But if you act quickly, you may be able to save your tooth and have it re-inserted into your jaw.
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  • How 3 Types Of Anesthesia Can Help You Through Your Next Dentist Appointment

    Many feel apprehensive about a trip to the a dentist, like Barry Groder DDS, but recent innovations in the field of anesthesiology may just be enough to put those fears to rest. Whether it's an inhaled relaxing and numbing agent, pill form sedatives, or intravenous anesthesia, developments in the field of anesthesia are helping dental patients everywhere feel more relaxed, and experience less pain when at the dentist. The following is a brief description of some of the most commonly utilized forms of anesthesia and what you can expect following administration.
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  • 5 Blood Disorders That Can Complicate Dental Procedures

    If not properly managed, blood disorders can adversely affect the outcome of dental procedures. To avoid potential complications, let your dentist know if you have a bleeding disorder or a family history of bleeding disorders. Tell your dentist if you get nosebleeds often, your gums bleed profusely, or if you've had prolonged bleeding in the past following dental treatment. The more your dentist knows about your overall health and risk factors, the better he or she can treat your dental problems.
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  • Three Causes Of Halitosis And How Your Dentist Can Help

    Halitosis is the medical term for chronic bad breath. If you constantly brush, rinse and gargle but your breath still smells like a garbage disposal run afoul, then there might be other issues of which you are not aware. A dentist can diagnose and treat, or at least refer you to a doctor who can treat, these lesser known causes of bad breath. Sinus Infections Many people suffer from very mild sinus infections; some are so mild that they do not know they have them.
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  • 5 Things To Know About Your Dentures

    If you must receive dentures from your dentist because you have missing teeth, then you need to know how to care for them. The only way to know how to care for them is to become more understanding of the facts that surround them. This is why you should know these five things about dentures that will help you to care for them in the right way: Overnight Soaking Kills 99.
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  • An Understanding Of Dental Implant Bone Grafting

    Perhaps you've decided to use dental implants to replace your missing teeth instead of having dentures, but you're not quite sure what this would involve. Well, the answer is that it all depends on how healthy the bone is that decides where the implants will be inserted. If your jawbone is not healthy, and has been eroded by infection, previous tooth extraction or gum disease, then you'll require the jawbone to be built up to securely hold your implants.
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