4 Pediatric Dental Terms To Know Before Your Child Visits The Dentist

Posted on: 27 September 2019

Taking your child to the dentist for regular cleanings and exams is one of the best things you can do for their long-term oral health. If it's finally time for your child to visit the pediatric dentist, you may be wondering what to expect. Before you go, better prepare yourself by understanding these four common pediatric dental terms.

Deciduous Teeth

Deciduous teeth is the official term for your child's "baby teeth" or primary teeth. While these teeth eventually fall out and are replaced with permanent teeth, they can still rot, become infected, chip, etc. which is why oral health is important at any age.

Neglecting to care for your child's deciduous teeth may even affect their permanent teeth. For example, if your child loses a primary tooth too early, the permanent tooth loses its open path to eruption. As a result, teeth may not fully erupt or may grow crooked.


Decalcification is common after children have braces, but it can happen to anyone. In most cases, you clean the plaque from your teeth each time you brush and floss. If you don't, it can harden into tartar, which is difficult to remove.

You have to go in for a professional cleaning to remove tartar, and if you don't, the long-term exposure can lead to calcium loss in teeth. This decalcification leaves bright, white scars on your teeth.


Fluoride is a natural mineral that is often added to drinking water because it helps fight cavities by strengthening tooth enamel. Both adults and children need fluoride, but when children take fluoride, it actually helps build the enamel. So if your child doesn't get enough, their enamel will be weak for life.

Adults can't grow new enamel, but they can strengthen weakening tooth enamel with fluoride. Many pediatric dentists recommend regular fluoride treatments for children. Too much fluoride can cause future tooth discoloration, so speak with your dentist about the right amount for your child.


Sealants are a great way to better protect your child's back teeth from decay. The molars have a lot of small divots in them, which can be difficult to clean properly, especially for children learning to brush their teeth.

Instead of struggling with brushing or decay, you can use sealants. With sealants, an invisible barrier is placed on the teeth to prevent food from getting stuck in the small crevices to help fight future decay.

Taking care of your child's primary teeth will help ensure they have a healthy smile for life. If you would like to know more about pediatric dental care, or if you need to make your child's first appointment, contact a dental provider in your area today.
