• Can You Fix An Underbite Without Surgery?

    If you have an underbite, meaning that your upper jaw sits behind your lower jaw, then you may have heard that correcting this issue would require extensive jaw surgery. The idea of undergoing surgery is, of course, a bit scary. Here's some good news: there may be other options. While the most severe underbites can typically only be corrected surgically, mild to moderate underbites can often be treated or managed by a cosmetic dentist.
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  • Tips To Remember Following Your Dental Implants Procedure

    Deciding to finally get dental implants is a great way to improve your life. You will smile with more confidence and be able to talk to people without feeling self-aware. Eating will also likely become easier or less painful if you currently have missing or decayed teeth that will be replaced. That said, while you have all of these things to look forward to, the first few days or weeks after the dental implant procedure will require some adjustment and self-care.
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  • Tips For Teaching Kids About Their First Dental Cleaning

    A young child who is anticipating their first dental cleaning may have lots of questions. Listen to them attentively and address all their concerns. Also, be prepared to offer them advice about their behavior and attitude at the dentist's office. Walk children through the process of what will happen if they want to know what they should expect during the visit. Explain That a Nice Person Will Look at Their Teeth and Gums
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