How To Reduce Clear Aligner Lisp Issues

Posted on: 13 September 2017

If you want straighter teeth, then clear braces might be an awesome choice if you do not want others to know that you have braces. While this is true, there are some things that can make the aligners really stand out and become noticeable. Nothing is more noticeable than the telltale lisp that develops when you first start wearing your aligners. If you want to keep this issue at bay, then keep reading to learn about some tricks to reduce this lisp:

Practice Your S's and Z's 

A basic lisp is caused by the improper placement of the tongue when you speak. This keeps the air from flowing out of the mouth and forming the correct sounds. Specifically, the s's and z's you pronounce sound muffled and make a "th" noise. If you make this noise and notice the position of your tongue, then you will understand that "th" sounds are made with the tongue hitting the back of the front teeth. However, s and z sounds are made as the tongue hits the roof of the mouth without hitting the teeth. This means that your tongue will need to learn how to move back a very small amount when talking to create the correct noises. 

The best way to stop a lisp is to practice speaking. When you secure your first set of retainers in your mouth, speak out loud and say words with both s and z sounds. 

If you notice that your lisp continues after about a week of practice, then there is a chance that your aligners do not fit correctly. Any bulging areas above or behind the teeth can exacerbate lisp issues. Speak with your dental professional if the aligners do not seem to fit well. Adjustments may need to be made to the height or fit or you may need to use products like chewies that help to push the aligners down over the teeth. Biting on a damp cotton cloth throughout the day can help to secure the aligners a bit tighter as well. 

Remain Calm

If you are paranoid about speaking with a lisp or if you have a social or anxiety condition, then this can actually create a lisp and make an existing one much worse. In other words, your nervousness may be causing the issue in the first place. To reduce these sorts of issues, make sure to completely relax your mouth. If the temporomandibular joints that keep your jaw secured in place and if the tendons and muscles in the region are stiff and sore, then this can cause some lisp issues due to simple movement and articulation problems. 

If you start talking with a lisp, then mentally try to calm yourself and also use the tips of your fingers to gently massage the jaw joints. Try speaking again to see if the lisp is still present. If all else fails, you can simply take the aligners out for a short period of time during meetings or presentations. 
