What You Need To Know About Oral Health Changes That Occur Later In Life

Posted on: 16 November 2016

Are you approaching the age of 60? If so, you are likely concerned about preserving your health. Some seniors fail to understand the importance of their dental health. The following are a few dental changes you might experience as you age.

Dry Mouth

Hormonal imbalance happens to many people as they age. These imbalances can change a number of bodily functions. This is why some people start to notice that they have frequent bouts of dry mouth. You might even end up getting prescribed medications to correct your hormonal imbalance. Some of these medications have side effects such as dry mouth.

Tooth decay is a serious consequence of dry mouth. It happens because there is less saliva available to naturally rinse away bacteria and food particles. Dry mouth can be improved by chewing sugarless gum. However, issues with dry mouth are best addressed by a dentist because they can determine the cause and find corrective solutions that can protect your teeth from decay.


Halitosis is a term that is used to describe bad breath. In older adults, it can be caused by dry mouth issues. It can also be a sign that tooth decay or infection is present. Anyone can have bad breath from time to time, but persistent bad breath is likely a sign of an oral issue that needs to be addressed. 

Tooth Discoloration

As you get older, you may need to take certain medications. Some of these can cause tooth discoloration. If you have never had any issues with stained teeth, this might be embarrassing or uncomfortable. Dentists can correct some discolorations by utilizing teeth whitening treatments. They can perform the service at their office or give you pre-filled trays to use on your teeth at home. Sometimes discolorations caused by medicines do not respond well to whitening treatments. A dentist can apply dental veneers to your teeth to correct this type of discoloration issue. 

Tooth Loss

People of all ages have gum disease and do not know it. Seniors who have this condition and are not receiving treatment are at risk for losing their teeth. Some people mistakenly think that tooth loss is a normal part of the aging process. If you take care of your oral health, there is no reason why you should have to lose all of your teeth. This is why a dentist is a good resource to use to determine how healthy your teeth and gums are. They can also treat gum disease, which can protect your teeth. 

To learn more, contact your local dentist.
