How To Floss Your Teeth Properly

Posted on: 4 December 2015

Flossing is the best and most effective method of removing the bits of food that get trapped in between the teeth. Over time if those bits of food do not get cleaned out then they will eventually decay and begin to form bacteria that will start to attack the tooth. The bacteria will attack the enamel of the tooth and eventually lead to the formation of a cavity or other oral diseases. Here is a simple guide that will teach you how to floss your teeth properly.

1 - Start by selecting the floss or a floss pick that works best for you. Floss picks work a little easier and allow you to slide it in and out of the tooth. Just regular floss will have to measured out to allow for a couple inches worth of floss and then be wrapped around your index finger two or three times to secure it. Once you have the floss wrapped around the index finger, use take the thumb on the opposite hand to maneuver the teeth in and out of the teeth.

2 – Start flossing at the back of your mouth by sliding the floss in between the gap in between your molars. Slide the floss all the way to the top and then drag it down along the contours of the tooth and back again. Then, slide the floss up the opposite side along the tooth before removing it.

3 – Bits of food will get collected on the floss as you pull it out and you can wipe it clean. There might be a trace amount of blood on the floss and that could be a sign of potential gum disease that should be checked out by a professional doctor. Clean the floss and then wrap it around your index finger to prepare for the next tooth,

4 – Repeat the process outlined in steps 3 and 4 moving from the back teeth to the front. Make sure you clean the floss after you remove it from the teeth each and every time.

5 – When you get to the front of the mouth, floss each tooth as you normally would but pay careful attention to the gum line and be gentle not to aggravate the gums or cause them to bleed.

6 – Complete the process by rinsing your mouth out with antiseptic mouthwash to clear out any remaining bits of food that might have collected inside the mouth.

Flossing is not meant to replace trips to a dentist and meant to be done in between those cleaning visits. A dentist is the only one professional trained to be able clean underneath the gum line of the teeth and diagnose oral diseases.
