Your Guide To Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Posted on: 27 October 2016

Wisdom teeth are the third set of molars to grow in, typically in adolescence and young adulthood. Unfortunately, these teeth are the most likely to become impacted as they grow in. When a tooth is impacted, this means that it has grown in sideways or tilted. Ultimately, it is positioned incorrectly because it does not have enough room to grow in properly. Sometimes this is painless, and sometimes it is incredibly difficult to endure.

Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth Impaction

Swelling is among the most common symptoms of wisdom tooth impaction. This leads to pain when biting and chewing food. Over time, some people even experience pain every time they open their mouth. You might start to notice your gums bleeding too.

When a tooth is only partially erupted from its position, food easily collects in the folds. This leads to pericoronitis, an infection that could spread into the neck. This also leads to bad breath and an unpleasant taste left in the mouth. You might find yourself using more mouthwash or brushing your teeth more often. Unfortunately, this can lead to further damage. You should brush no more than three times each day.

If an impacted wisdom tooth pushes on its neighbors, it could cause tooth movement. Years of wearing braces can be undone if wisdom teeth grow in and push the other teeth forward. For this reason, some oral surgeons recommend having them removed before they ever fully erupt.

These symptoms may persist anywhere from days to months. They could also appear on and off. Just when you think that your wisdom teeth have stopped bothering you, the pain can rear its ugly head once again.

Treatment for Wisdom Tooth Impaction

You may not be able to stop teeth from becoming impacted, but you can certainly prevent some of the complications that tend to result. Regular brushing and flossing prevents infection. Over-the-counter painkillers can also provide some relief, but if you find that the pain is too much to handle you should see your dentist or make an appointment with an oral surgeon.

Typically, the dentist will recommend that you have the impacted teeth removed. This is often the job of an oral surgeon. He or she will determine which course of action will work best for your teeth. Fortunately, wisdom tooth surgery tends to be safe and with only a few possible complications. It is a safe procedure that many Americans undergo. For more information, talk to a dentist at a location such as Family Medical Dental Center.
